Mom and Health Coach




About me

My name is Megan. I’m a Mom, a wife, a health coach and a whole lot of other things! 

My family currently lives in Mesa Arizona. My husband is an associate Pastor at a local Nazarene Church, and I stay at home with our two children. Our home is pretty chaotic most days. We have a 2 and a 3 year old, they’re eight months and three weeks apart. 

If that sounds crazy, it’s because it is!

Our sweet sweet boy was adopted out of foster care and has a good amount of developmental delays. But this kid is a fighter, and has come soooo far! Our spunky daughter has the heart of a warrior and throws some super epic tantrums. Life is exhausting and awesome, but it’s mine!  I’m much more, “go with the flow” than I used to be. 

At the beginning of 2018, I was miserable. I didn’t feel good about myself, my kids stressed me out, even the idea of leaving the house stressed me out. I was a couch parent. I was hurting, unhappy and needed a change. Enter my friend Janine. She introduced me to a health and wellness program she coached, and I decided “why not”?! I’ve been overweight for my entire adult life. I couldn’t even dream for myself what that different life would look like. Fast forward 8 months, and I had not only lost 100 lbs, but transformed my mind! 

It’s amazing what a change in your self esteem and self confidence can do to your outlook on life. Yes, life is still chaotic and stressful, but I feel so much more capable of handling it now. AND, I’m helping guide others on their own health journeys, and I love it!