Mom and Health Coach

Expectations vs Reality


Real talk time!

VERY rarely (if ever) do our expectations meet our reality. That truth can be hard for us to handle! I’ve always struggled with the disappointment of reality. But here was one of my thoughts while out with the fam the other night, on Halloween. 

I was SO excited to take our kids (2&3 years old) trick or treating for the first time. I coached them all day on what we were going to do, we looked awesome in our family costume (picture included below), went out early and then reality hit: There were not a lot of houses handing out candy in the neighborhood where we went, Caleb wouldn’t walk anywhere near where we wanted him to, and both the kids were having trouble listening (and we were in big crowds). It was exhausting! Toddlers on Halloween, hyped up on sugar is no joke! BUT that doesn’t mean that next year we won’t go out and try again! It’d be silly to just quit trying!

Our health journeys can be very similar. We may not lose weight or get healthy at the rate we may want. Our day to day reality may not be what we think it should be. BUT that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. Yeah, it may be frustrating and exhausting, but it’d be silly to quit.

Having expectations can be good, but you need to also keep in mind that life happens. Try and be flexible and give yourself grace- you deserve it!

Ryan Albaugh